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For Reservists. By Reservists.
Empowering Reservists.

Who We Are

Friendly Forces, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was launched  by currently serving National Guard and Reserve officers. The initiative was a response to an increase in mobilizations and deployments among the National Guard and Reserve components of the US military coupled with a lack of transparency around employers supportive of the obligations of military reservists. The founders recognized a gap in readily available, accurate, and aggregated data to help reservists effectively target employers supportive of their enduring service to our nation. Additionally, there is a pressing need to promote companies that are partners in national security, recognizing and supporting those that actively contribute to the nation’s defense by employing reservists, who comprise 37% of the US military.

Why is this so important? Because without the civilian job security of its members, the National Guard and Reserve cannot function.

As Friendly Forces began to take shape, the founders realized they could do more for the reservist community, and sought to develop a one-stop shop for analyzing corporate military leave policies, compiling professional development resources, tracking relevant news and legislation, and providing thought leadership.

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Direct reservists towards friendly forces–the employers, programs, and resources that demonstrably support them through action, not rhetoric. 


Raise the national standard of support to reservists and be the champion for the community.

Why You’re Here

Training exercises…domestic emergencies…overseas deployments…time away from family…loss of income…stifled careers….

Being a Citizen-Soldier/Airmen/Sailor/Marine/Coast Guardsman is disruptive enough already.

Friendly Forces empower reservists to make data-
driven decisions about where to work by highlighting organizations that-through action, not lip service -truly support members of the National
Guard and Reserve and their ever-increasing service to our country.



Become a Friendly Force

Want to flex your official Friendly Forces Rating Badge?

If your company merits a 3 STAR, 4 STAR, or 5 STAR rating, we’ll provide you the official Friendly Forces Employer Badge to use in your recruiting and marketing collateral.

Interested in designing and implementing a better military leave policy for your reservist employees?

We’ll help you develop your military leave program based on experience and industry best practices and then we’ll officially certify your program with the Friendly Forces Employer Badge.

Want to attract more candidates with unique military and civilian background, clearances, technical skills, and more

We’ll highlight your company’s outstanding support of reservists and promote you to our network of thousands of part-time service members through our blog, newsletter, podcast, and social media channels.

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